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One of my favourite things about being a Brownie leader is the camaraderie of the girls, their willingness to try anything and their enthusiasm for their crafts.
This past weekend, 27 Sparks, Brownies and Girl Guides spent two nights and a day at Camp Rolling Acres to celebrate being a Girl Guide this 2010/11 season with us, their leaders. It's like our end of year bash! The girls learn all kinds of great camping and cooking skills, independence, empathy, cooperation and of course, there's lots of fun stuff going on too. We always make a bunch of cute crafts!
Each of the four leaders worked with the girls to make a unique and simple camp craft. We always feature at least a few hat crafts to secure to our Girl Guide bucket hat to proudly remember how many years we've been going and all the great memories we've made. Okay, so this was my first year at camp, but the spirit of past years was with me as we made a fly swatter from plastic canvas, a caterpillar from pom-poms and a butterfly from pipe cleaners. Simple, creative and cute! Here's what we did: