The walls of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area outside of Las Vegas, NV Newscom |
As a lifelong science and nature buff, I admit this year's shower may not have been as grand as past years on Wednesday due to the cloud cover in our area, but I was delighted just the same. Thursday night we saw a meteor so vivid shooting across and above our house, we forgot we weren't watching a movie. What made it even more special was having Bumpa (my dad) and our kids in the backyard oohing and ahhing with me.
Unfortunately, our dread camera (boy could we use a new one!) had eaten up the batteries by taking just two pictures again over the previous weekend. This meant we had no power to take any images for posterity or the scrapbook, thus no awe-inspiring pics here!
Instead, the kids and I have decided we'd like to capture the night creatively!
In the spirit of living creatively every day, I challenged my kids to come up with a creative idea to capture the night and the memories they'd like to hold.
It took a bit of brainstorming, really, to come up with a few different ideas. Josh wanted to make a diorama of the night sky with us in our backyard below, and position the satellite we saw (that he still insists was a meteor!) on a wire strung across the top portion with a fiery meteor ball that would move across the diorama sky - Creative! Too bad we didn't have the right stuff to build it.
So, in the interest of budget, I had to revise the project: they have to create their project from items they can find, collect or borrow from the house, yard and surrounding area. Can't wait to share their ideas and outcomes, but as they're still works in progress, I've got nothing yet.
Until next time: Inspire...imagine...invet!
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