Thursday, September 2, 2010

iQ Cleaners by Planet People

Allow me to introduce you to iQ Cleaners by Planet People - an INSPIRED CANADIAN company, folks!
I can already hear you, Dad - "how is this about inspiring kids imaginations, Dd?"

Well, I'll tell you:  a safely cleaned home, is a place you don't mind letting your kids get a little messy experimenting, exploring and inventing.

How's that for a twist?!

But, seriously?  I read about this on Tenille's blog:  Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous!  I love reading Tenille's blog - she's got a great sense of reality and humour.  Her most recent post was about this new Canadian product...and I think new company!  (and hey, if you check out Tenille's site, you can enter her giveaway like I did!)

I responded to the inspiration in their design from the challenge they felt they faced, immediately.  The plan:  reduce the onslaught of waste created by "one-time-use" packaging - talk about a nature challenge!  I hope this catches on.
Their concept is simple:  re-Create the reusable container spray bottle to allow you to install a cartridge of concentrated cleaner.  It's genius in its simplicity and I was inspired! Pour tap water - something that's always in your kitchen - to the fill line in the bottle.  Then, click in the refill and - Voila!  That tiny little cartridge is actually quite small (31/2" tall), so that reduces the annual carbon footprint created by the cleanser 'industry' significantly!  Less packaging means less waste and fewer trucks on the road and so on down the lane to a happy planet. (who says I don't have an imagination?)

In addition to all that, as if it wasn't enough....I was so happy to discover these are made with non-toxic plant and other natural sources according to IQClean's own site.   In our house, the kids share in the chores and I won't/can't buy harsh chemicals, but realistically....we need something that works hard where they don't:  Tenille gives them a thumbs up!

So, next time you're thinking about whether you really want to let Suzy get creative all over that table and worrying about how to keep it clean in a totally planet and imagination-friendly way - think of these iQ Clean products and let them have at it!

Until next time:  Imagine...inspire...invent!

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