Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting Inspired by Nature Challenge!

Let's face it; the heart of creative inspiration must be Nature. Where else can you be inspired by colour so rich and melodies so sweet, textures so comforting or strange, and scents so rare and true.   

Bumpa is inspired by Nature!
Sure, nature isn't always pretty, but then again, neither is our imagination. The root of fear is imagination, after all, so it would be silly to expect that everything we "imagine" will be beautiful and sweet. The same is very true for kids, isn't it? They imagine some of the most awful monsters and places - but they are imagining, and that's the key!

Today we know our kids kids are spending less and less time in the outdoors - too connected instead to 'watch-me' toys and electronics, often bogged down with homework and/or participating in indoor activities.  We can't avoid these things entirely, and kids do gain some benefit from them in moderation; but to overcome some of the less desirable behaviour outcomes  - aside from general lethargy (aka laziness when you're not in the mood!) - too much screen time, specifically, often reduces one's ability to concentrate for reasonable periods of time, or focus on tasks requiring more than one step ("could you take your dishes off the table AND put them in the dishwasher, please?" - that's 2 steps - so, now you see the dilemma, don't you, mom!?)

One of the best ways to keep kids inspired and living creatively is to keep them connected to Nature. There are so many ways to reconnect with nature and thus, your imaginative self. Taking a simple walk in a natural setting opens a world of creative ideas and materials.  Leaves for crayon rub pictures or collages, stones for mosaics and so on.

I'd like to extend a challenge to my friends, family and followers to come up with some creative ways to reconnect with nature and your imaginative self. I'll give you a starting point, but then you're on your own! My dad (aka Bumpa) has been finding inspiration in the driftwood he finds at the beach while walking Daisy and creating the most beautiful walking sticks.  So where will your journey take you:

Step one: Have the kids get on their walking shoes and you do it too!
Step two: Walk out your front door and head for a space that isn't dulled grey with concrete!
Step three: connect!  Take in the colours, the lines and shapes, the sounds, the movement.

So, what did you discover, what were you inspired by, what did you imagine, where did you go and what will you try next....

Even if you don't feel any inspiration the first time you try, I encourage you to keep trying and keep us posted! Who knows, this could be a lead in to a contest happening this fall! (hint, hint!)

Until next time:  Inspire...Imagine...Invent!

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